Method of Transport
What is the best way to transport the livestock?
Cluny Exports are a specialised exporter of livestock by air.
Generally speaking method of transport, is decided by financial factors, air transport is always more expensive than sea, however, livestock behavioural factors are also a key consideration. For example, goats in particular and sheep have a reputation for being tough animals but actually get easily stressed if shipped by sea on long journeys. Goats in particular are well known to suffer from motion sickness. Accordingly, it makes sense to consider shipping breeding goats and sheep by air to lessen the risk factors. Cluny Exports involvement in air transport of live animals has never seen a single mortality occur in over 10,000 animals. Shipping by air usually means that animals arrive within 7 to 20 hours, we can incorporate built-in watering systems to avoid dehydration and veterinary treatment to alleviate stress. Crates are treated with non-toxic spray to eliminate ammonic acid buildup from urine.
During transits our dedicated staff worldwide can provide feed and water and stay with the animals until they depart.

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